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Economics and Business Review

The Economics and Business Review (earlier as the Poznan University of Economics Review) has been published by Poznań University of Economics and Business Press since 2001. The EBR provides a platform for academicians all over the world to share, discuss and integrate state-of-the-art economics and finance thinking with a special focus on emerging market economies.

The EBR invites submissions of original and unpublished articles. The journal is published in English only, with a frequency of four issues yearly. Texts are double-blind reviewed.

EBR is an open access journal. To submit, process and publish an article in Economics and Business Review authors are not required to pay any charge.

Impact Factor 2023: 1.2 | CiteScore 2023: 1.4

Thematic issue: Large language models in economics and finance
Economics and Business Review currently invites submissions for a thematic issue on large language models. Please check the call for papers.


Voir la revue Numéro courant

La Revue Internationale des Économistes de Langue Française

Lancée en 2016, La Revue Internationale des Économistes de Langue Française (RIELF) est la revue de l’Association Internationale des Économistes de Langue Française (AIELF). Elle est produite dans le cadre d’une coopération entre l’AIELF, l’Université de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion de Poznań (USEGP) et l’Université Bernardo O’Higgins de Santiago de Chili (UBO). Les opérations matérielles d’édition et la gestion des expéditions sont réalisées par l’USEGP. La RIELF est généraliste et semestrielle et elle est publiée entièrement en français. Sa gamme de sujets comprend des articles sur l'économie et la finance, la gestion et les sciences de la qualité, ainsi que sur les relations économiques internationales, qui sont evalués en double-aveugle par des spécialistes indépendants des centres internationaux.

Voir la revue Numéro courant

Research Papers in Economics and Finance

  • the REF is a forum of original works in various fields of economics and finance
  • in the field of economics the submitted papers should focus on particular topics, such as micro and macroeconomic policy, the theory of economics, development, growth, fluctuations in the economy or in various sectors, functioning of the markets, spatial economics; in the field of finance the papers should examine all phenomena related to the financial sphere of the economy, analyse the causes and effects of the flow of capital, identify motives and criteria for economic decisions
  • double-blind review process
  • early view – the REF publishes fully peer-reviewed, corrected articles ahead of issue publication
  • open access journal in English only
  • authors are not required to pay any charge
  • 40 points in the Polish Ministerial List of Journals
  • ISSN 2543-6430

Voir la revue Numéro courant