ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
In every developed scientific discipline, scholars tend to focus on narrow, specialist topics and are somewhat confined by the practices in their scientific communities. The impact of such specialisation on the discipline’s development is ambiguous. On the one hand, it helps to refine existing evidence; on the other, it risks overlooking potentially relevant mechanisms or perspectives developed by other scientists. This is why significant progress in particular areas of the social sciences is often achieved when researchers look beyond their field and explore its interconnections with other topics and communities of practice. This issue of Economics and Business Review highlights the strength of this approach, presenting eight articles which collectively show how topics in economics and finance are closely interconnected, as well as being linked to other areas of the social science. This collection has been prepared by twenty-four authors who work in France, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Türkiye and Vietnam. (Joanna Lizińska, Michał Pilc, Konrad Sobański).
ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Impact Factor: 1.2
CiteScore 2023: 1.4
SJR 2023: 0.234
SNIP 2023: 0.398
ICV 2023: 120.85
JCI 2022: 0.27
MNiSW: 70
The Economics and Business Review journal received a grant within the Development od Scientific Journals programme of the Minister of Education and Science of Poland. Contract number RCN/SP/0242/2021/1
Editorial Office: Economics and Business Review
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Publisher&Owner: Poznań University of Economics and Business Press
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