Citriculture in Chilean agricultural communities: Towards a sustainable development



agricultural communities, citriculture, Limarí


This review article aims to comment on the importance of citrus in the agricultural communities of the Limarí Province from the perspective of achieving sustainable agricultural development in these communities, highlighting the results of a pilot experience with rural citrus growers. Firstly, the state of development of citriculture in Chile is described. Secondly, this activity is treated from the perspective of the agricultural communities of Limarí. Thirdly, a report results of a pilot study on citrus culture developed in the agricultural community are explained. This work shows how attractive the citrus sector has become for agricultural communities, especially the commercialization of the typical yellow lemon. It also highlights the need to implement agri-environmental education programs among their inhabitants to promote the care of critical natural resources such as water and soil. The growth and development of citrus farming in Limarí ’ s agricultural communities must be consistent with an analysis of the availability of these resources and responsible use of them.


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