Some aspects of Poland's accession to the euro area


  • Marian Gorynia Université des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion de Poznań, Pologne
  • Krzysztof Malaga Université des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion de Poznań, Pologne


euro zone, axioms of Poland’s accession to the euro area, scenarios of Poland’s behavior in the matter of globalization and integration


The purpose of the article is to review some aspects of Poland's membership in the euro area, such as the formulation of axiom propositions in the euro debate and the identification of possible variants/scenarios of Poland's attitude towards globalization and integration. The fundamental research method used in the preparation of this text was the method of analysis of the literature and elements of the scenario method related to possible variants of future developments. The authors' attention focused on the qualitative aspects of the issue under discussion.


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