
Article selection and review procedure:

The Editorial Board only accepts texts that have been written in accordance with the RIELF submission guide.

Papers proposed for publication at the RIELF are first selected by the Editor-in-Chief or Co-editor before being the subject of a blind review. Authors are therefore invited to provide for this anonymity.

The proposals are sent for evaluation to at least two reviewers whose identity, whatever the circumstances, will not be communicated to the authors or to any other person outside the editorial process.

In special circumstances, another form of evaluation, different from blind and anonymous evaluation, is possible. In this case, the reviewer is required to sign a declaration of conflict of interest in which he proves that the following relations do not exist between him and the author of the text:

a) personal relationships (second degree kinship ties, legal relationships, marriage);
b) relationships of subordination;
c) scientific cooperation during the two years prior to the year of the article’s evaluation.

The evaluation of the article is made in written form, in accordance with the RIELF evaluation sheet, with a mention that the article is accepted for publication, that it can be resubmitted after substantive changes or that it is rejected. The review accepting the paper for publication in RIELF may contain remarks for consideration by the author of the article.

The article that has received two reviews accepting the text for publication proceeds to the next step in the editorial process. In the case of paper submitted for review that has received one review accepting the text for publication and another suggesting rejection, the decision is made by the Editorial Board. In the case of both negative reviews, the text is automatically rejected from the editorial process. The Editorial Board retains the right not to publish an article even with two positive evaluations.

The reviewers are chosen from among international specialists in the fields of economics, finance and management.

The RIELF publishes articles only in French.