About the Journal

The Research Papers in Economics and Finance (REF, ISSN 2543-6430) is a professional, peer reviewed, e-journal of economics and finance. REF is published by the Poznan University of Economics and Business, which is one of the few academic institutions in Poland to invariably receive a top rank (category 1) from the State Committee for Scientific Research.

REF covers economics and finance. In the field of economics the submitted papers should focus on particular topics, such as micro and macroeconomic policy, the theory of economics, development, growth, fluctuations in the economy or in various sectors, functioning of the markets, spatial economics. In the field of finance the papers should examine all phenomena related to the financial sphere of the economy, analyse the causes and effects of the flow of capital, identify motives and criteria for economic decisions. The research area of these papers may include: a) in terms of the subject matter: public finance, corporate finance, personal finance and households, financial institutions (including banks, insurance companies, investment fund companies and pension funds), international finance; b) in functional terms: investing (especially when the aim is to obtain financial income), raising capital, financial markets, financial policy, analysis and transfer of financial risk, redistribution of financial resources (e.g. through the tax system). All submitted papers are expected to formulate hypotheses and build models for the relationships between real and monetary variables in the economy, as well as to verify them using empirical tests.

Research Papers in Economics and Finance is indexed and distributed in: BazEkon Citations, CEJSH: The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, C.E.E.O.L.: Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH, EBSCO Publishing Inc., ERIH Plus, Library of Science: ICM UW, Index Copernicus: ICI Journals Master List 2022: 89.44, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, PKP Index, The National Library Digital Repository.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)

Dear Readers,
Welcome to the eighth volume, first issue of Research Papers in Economics and Finance. In this edition, we present a collection of articles that address significant economic and financial issues from various perspectives. The contributions in this issue are diverse, covering topics from fiscal policy and financial fraud to digitalisation and income inequality. Each paper offers valuable insights and contributes to the ongoing academic discourse in its respective field.
Two papers in this issue of the journal are related to the VI scientific conference within the series entitled Institutions in Theory and Practice. The initiators of this series were three scientific centres, i.e. Poznań University of Economics and Business, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. The conference meetings have become a place for the exchange of experience and cooperation among Polish institutionalists. The event presents the results of research in institutional economics and its relationship to other theories and economic practice. The scope of the event includes, among other things, the importance of institutions in economics and law, their role in economic development and the management of organisations, as well as methodological problems related to the study of institutions. (...) (Piotr Lis).

Published: 2024-06-28

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