Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)

Dear Readers,
Welcome to the latest edition of Research Papers in Economics and Finance from the Poznan University of Economics and Business Press. This release features a selection of six papers, carefully chosen for their positive reviews, offering diverse and inspiring insights within the fields of economics and finance. The authors have provided impactful research that meets rigorous academic standards while offering fresh perspectives on contemporary issues. We extend our gratitude to both the authors and reviewers for their contributions, aiming to spark intellectual curiosity and serve as a source of inspiration for readers in academia and beyond. We invite you to explore the diverse array of articles in this edition.
The issue opens with an empirical paper entitled The Consumption of Lifetime and consumption habits in the face of pandemic written by Joanna Staniszewska from the Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland. The author emphasises the importance of Lifetime Consumption and proves the influence of the digitalisation of society during the COVID-19 pandemic on consumption-related decisions. As the author shows, the process of digitalisation intensified as the pandemic and its restrictions subsided, with society adapting to remote work, extended periods in front of computer screens as well as the widespread use of remote communication devices. One of the conclusions of this work is that computers and smartphones have evolved into indispensable tools for remote work, education and communication within society.
The second paper entitled Carbon footprint and economic growth in Nigeria and Ghana has been written by Joel Obayagbona from the University of Benin, Nigeria. The author proves that greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy consumption exhibit a significant negative impact on economic growth in both Nigeria and Ghana. Electricity consumption and trade openness display insignificant positive and negative relationships with economic growth, respectively. The author recommends implementing a carbon pricing law by governments. Imposing higher taxes would discourage practices such as indiscriminate bush burning, leading to reduced environmental pollution and degradation. In brief, this measure is anticipated to mitigate adverse greenhouse gas emissions and contribute positively to economic growth.
The third paper entitled Digital public transport in New Economy – contemporary mobility trends has been written by Marcin Jurczak from the Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland. In this study, the author analyses current trends shaping urban mobility, particularly focusing on the development of public transportation. Key elements, including IT systems, big data, alternative energy, autonomous mobility and the sharing economy, are considered in the context of technological progress. The macroeconomic factors of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation and migration trends are also examined for their impact on transportation services in cities. The primary goal is to explore the interplay between technology and the evolution of public transport systems, addressing two key research questions. The study provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of urban transportation in the digital and post-pandemic era.
The fourth paper entitled The role of rules and norms in conditional cash transfer programs – Latin American experience has been written by Marta Sordyl from Krakow University of Economics, Poland. The author has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs, emphasising the significance of conditioning social transfers based on predetermined requirements related to healthcare and education. This conditioning, termed co-responsibility, is grounded in the belief that enhancing human capital accumulation will lead to a sustainable upliftment of beneficiaries from poverty. While the existing literature predominantly focuses on the cost-effectiveness of CCTs and their impact on poverty rates and income inequalities, the author addresses a notable gap by exploring the often-overlooked rules and norms that play a crucial role from an institutional perspective.
The fifth paper entitled Local housing strategies in Poland as a tool to develop social and affordable housing: Barriers for development has been written by Agnieszka Cieśla from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The paper aims to identify barriers hindering the formulation of clear housing strategies at the local level in Poland. Drawing insights from existing housing strategies of certain Polish municipalities and experiences gained while working on a housing strategy for a medium-sized city in Poland, the author highlights key impediments including a lack of robust demographic data, insufficient housing inventories as well as demand for skilled experts and guidance to formulate structured strategies. The research underscores the growing importance of local strategies, particularly in crisis-affected cities, in the light of impending EU investments in housing. The anticipated financial aid for social housing further underscores the imperative for well-crafted housing strategies in Poland.
Last but not least, the final paper entitled Job insecurity and job performance as the key research issues of the modern labour market has been written by Joanna Wyrwa and Anna Łoś-Tomiak from the University of Zielona Góra, Poland. The author has undertaken an analysis of the contemporary labour market, emphasising the need for a comprehensive and multidimensional interpretation of the concept of “insecurity” concerning employment, job retention and evolving working conditions. The analysis highlights correlations between the notion of uncertainty and factors such as work efficiency and time. The study emphasises the dynamic nature of job insecurity over time, suggesting that employees achieve better professional results when they feel secure about their future in the workplace. The authors outline the mechanisms underlying job insecurity and labour productivity, proposing a thesis that posits a non-linear or “U-shaped” relationship between job insecurity and self-assessment of work performance. In brief, job insecurity is thought to negatively impact work productivity by diminishing occupational energy known as vigour or enthusiasm for work.
Piotr Lis