Vol. 2 No. 2

The article entitled Proposal of alternative typology of social economy by A. Waligóra presents an alternative proposal of division in social economy, focusing on the social functions of its entities – social enterprises. The proposed solution serves to fulfil the dominant discourse of the social economy in new ways of thinking about the reasons and motivations connected with creating social enterprises. The article’s conclusions are considered in the light of Piotr Sztompka’s social capital theory and the theory of social cost.
The article entitled Investigation of the social factors of development of society in the territories with transforming environment by O. Kvilinskyi, A. Mieshkov and I. Bondaryeva aims at identifying the main social factors that affect the vital activity of society at the present stage of development of territories which have unstable socio-economic and political environment. The authors have developed a methodology of an expert assessment of the importance of the factors of forming the system of vital social activity. A set of recommendations for the coordinated impact on the economic and social processes in the conditions of transforming the market system have been proposed as a result of the research.
The article entitled Family Firms as a potential source of growth for the Warsaw Stock Exchange by S. Filipczak discusses the possibility that family firms will step into the state’s shoes and become a more meaningful source of new issuers for the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The paper identifies the reasons for a possible increase in family firms listings on the WSE as well as key elements for that to happen. The author notes that an increasing number of family firms are big enough to meet the WSE requirements, and thus a wave of succession in family enterprises is expected in the coming years.
The article entitled Theoretical Framework for Stock Pricing Process based on Micro-Economic Decision Model by V. Kanagov introduces a theoretical framework for a new model which aims at avoiding the problems of CAPM, the most common model for asset pricing, and keeping its advantages, therefore allowing universality of asset pricing. It is based on the micro-economic decision model, involving an expected value and dividing a stock price to objective and subjective prices. As a result, rational based individuals, just like individuals with non-rational factors, may use the model to calculate a future price stock in exactly the same way.
The article entitled Analysis of the EUR/USD exchange rate in binary-temporal representation by M.D. Stasiak deals with the topic of exchange rates by employing an algorithm that transforms the exchange rate represented by tick data into a binary string. Each course change equal to a given discretisation unit is assigned a binary value indicating the direction of the change. The main goal of the presented research is to verify the existence of any dependences between the duration of a change and the probability of future direction of the change. The EUR/USD analysis performed by statistical tests and presented in the article suggests relations between the direction and order of historical data and the direction of a future change.
The article entitled The main priority of achieving resource safety of agricultural production by Y. Pushak, M. Orobchuk and O. Marchenko touches upon the subject matter of resource safety in agriculture, in particular the maintenance of land resources through increased use of organic fertilizers, the optimization of croplands and strengthening legislation and ecological awareness. The authors conclude the paper with recommendations.
Yours faithfully, dr Hanna Kołodziejczyk - Member of the Editorial Committee