International mobility of students in modern conditions of transformation in the global market of services (regional aspect)
geoeconomics, internationalisation, higher education, mobility, studentsAbstract
Modern global processes are stated to have significantly influenced transformations in the higher education system. On the other hand, internationalisation of higher education has become a key factor in the development of global processes. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to determine the specific nature of the internationalisation processes of higher education in different countries, as well as the involvement thereof in the processes of academic mobility at establishing the educational space transformation under the conditions of globalization, at grounding the changing place and role of universities as higher education internationalisation contribute to enhancing the convergence of national educational systems, providing a significant influence on the level of competitiveness of national economies. The authors define the peculiarities of attracting countries to mobility processes and systematise the waves of international student mobility, taking into account the geopolitical and geo-economic factors of positive and negative influence of institutional drivers. Furthermore, dynamic shifts in international student mobility are calculated and the regional distribution of foreign students by educational level is determined. The purpose of the article is to identify the waves and substantiate the factors of international student mobility in the context of the transformation of the global market of educational services.
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