Economic security of an industrial enterprise in competitive conditions
economic security, industrial enterprise, competitive conditions, competitionAbstract
The research is devoted to the issues of ensuring economic security of in- dustrial enterprises in competitive conditions. The methodological basis of this study is a systematic approach that provides a holistic and functional vision of economic security of industrial enterprises in a competitive environment. It was found that the economic security of an industrial enterprise is a multifaceted, multi-vector concept, according to which the main emphasis is on the efficiency of all types of resources in the process of ensuring competitiveness of the industrial enterprise. The requirements for the functioning of economic security of an industrial enterprise are highlighted. The authors prove the necessity of observance of requirements on the maintenance of economic safety at the industrial enterprise in the conditions of competition, includ- ing: formation of system strategic measures concerning components of economic safety of the enterprise, development of industrial enterprise policies to create competitive advantages, use of information tools and digital technologies to monitor the risks and threats of an enterprise.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alona Revko, Svitlana Tulchynska, Tetiana Tkachenko

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