Preface, Research Papers in Economics and Finance, Vol. 5 No. 1Abstract
Dear Readers,
We are pleased to present the latest issue of the Research Papers in Economics and Finance published by the Poznan University of Economics and Business Press. We have selected six scientific papers that we consider important for the academic discussion, works which inspire and provide substantial added value.
This issue opens with an empirical paper written by Eugenia Sozinova and Tetyana Oriekhova from Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University in Ukraine entitled Evaluating the transnationalisation potential of the economies in the countries of South-Eastern Europe. The work is an attempt at evaluating the potential for transnationalisation of the economies of South-Eastern Europe. The authors constructed an index to measure the phenomenon of transnationalisation. Using this approach, they proved that Albania is the leader in transnational business, while Bosnia and Herzegovina is an outsider.
The second great paper entitled Significance of the EU funds in regional development on the example of NUTS-3 units in Poland has been written by Joanna Spychała and Marcin Spychała from the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The authors conducted three-stage research at the level of 73 NUTS-3 units in Poland, proving that the European Union funds absorption impacted to the largest extent the changes in the level of innovativeness and entrepreneurship in the Polish subregions of the NUTS-3 level. Furthermore, the results of the EU fund absorption supporting innovativeness or the material capital are visible in a relatively short time period.
The third original and topical paper written by Edyta Małecka-Ziembińska from Poland is entitled Fiscal transparency in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The author proved that in the vast majority of countries around the world the condition of public finances has deteriorated significantly as a result of measures taken to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author demonstrated that large-scale expenditure is made without public procurement procedures or an assessment of its effectiveness.
The fourth paper entitled Housing conditions in social housing stock vs. marginalisation risk – evidence from Poland has been written by Zuzanna Rataj and Katarzyna Suszyńska from Poland. In the study, the authors used questionnaire interviews with dwellers of council flats in Poland. The survey results showed that the standard of municipal housing in Poland is low and makes it difficult for low-income households to meet their housing needs. Small dwelling areas, overcrowding, as well as poor quality of construction materials have been identified as important determinants increasing the risk of housing exclusion in municipal dwellings.
The fifth paper entitled Young Customers’ Expectations in Terms of Implementing Modern Technologies on the Local Primary Residential Market in Poland has been written by Anna Górska, Anna Mazurczak and Łukasz Strączkowski from Poland. The authors used surveys targeting young people in the city of Poznań and proved that a large group of customers are aware of modern technologies, claiming that they would be willing to pay more for the technologies they choose. According to the authors’ opinions, this number could be increased if the buyers were pointed to specific savings from investing in modern solutions.
The sixth paper entitled Economic security of an industrial enterprise in competitive conditions has been written by Alona Revko from Chernihiv Polytechnic National University and Svitlana Tulchynska & Tetiana Tkachenko from National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine. The study focuses on ensuring economic security of industrial enterprises in competitive conditions. The authors proved that economic security of an industrial enterprise is a multifaceted, multi-vector concept, according to which the main emphasis is put on the efficiency of all types of resources in the process of ensuring competitiveness of an industrial enterprise.
Yours faithfully,
Piotr Lis
Editor in Chief
Sozinova, E., & Oriekhova, T. (2021), Evaluating the transnationalisation potential of the economies in the countries of South-Eastern Europe. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 7–21.
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Spychała, J., & Spychała, M. (2021) Significance of the EU funds in regional development on the example of NUTS-3 units in Poland. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 22–37.
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Małecka-Ziembińska, E. (2021) Fiscal transparency in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 38–48.
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Rataj, Z., & Suszynska, K. (2021) Housing conditions in social housing stock vs. marginalisation risk – evidence from Poland. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 49–60.
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Strączkowski, Łukasz, Górska, A., & Mazurczak, A. (2021) Young Customers’ Expectations in Terms of Implementing PropTech (Property Technology) on the Local Primary Residential Market in Poland. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 61–77.
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Revko, A., Tulchynska, S., & Tkachenko, T. (2021) Economic security of an industrial enterprise in competitive conditions. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 5(1), 78–86.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Piotr Lis

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