The concepts of privatization of state-owned enterprises and public housing stock in Poland : similarities and differences
Privatisation, State enterprises, Housing resources, Concepts of privatization, Prywatyzacja, Przedsiębiorstwo państwowe, Zasoby mieszkaniowe, Koncepcje prywatyzacyjneAbstract
Privatization of the Polish economy highlighted many problems concerning mostly the concepts of the process. This work attempts to make a review of the main aspects of privatization in Poland on the basis of state-owned enterprises and public housing stock. The authors indicate similarities and differences in privatization of the given resources with regard to the motives and dilemmas, scope of state intervention, techniques, equivalence of sale prices to the market value, and general consequences of this process. The conclusion of this work is that despite some common motives for the privatization of property in Poland, one can list significant differences with respect to the indicated resources. (original abstract)
Copyright (c) 2006 Poznań University of Economics and Business

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