ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
As the complexity of economic phenomena increases, so do the expectations placed on researchers in economics and finance. Research should not only be methodologically sound and contribute to the existing body of knowledge, but also provide guidance to stakeholders outside academia. The current issue of the Economics and Business Review addresses these needs, as the research findings can be useful to various groups, such as legislators, governmental bodies, financial advisors and investors. It contains seven papers by seventeen affiliated scholars from Poland, Slovakia and the USA. They use a variety of methodological approaches, both conceptual and empirical, to investigate key research questions in the fields of public economics, financial economics, labour economics and behavioural economics. (...) (Monika Banaszewska, Joanna Lizińska, Konrad Sobański)
ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Impact Factor: 1.2
CiteScore 2023: 1.4
SJR 2023: 0.234
SNIP 2023: 0.398
ICV 2023: 120.85
JCI 2022: 0.27
MNiSW: 70
The Economics and Business Review journal received a grant within the Development od Scientific Journals programme of the Minister of Education and Science of Poland. Contract number RCN/SP/0242/2021/1
Editorial Office: Economics and Business Review
Collegium Altum
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 16, room 109
61-895 Poznań, Poland
Publisher&Owner: Poznań University of Economics and Business Press
al. Niepodległości 10
61-875 Poznań, Poland
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phone +48 61 854 31 54