ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Decision making in the area of economics is becoming ever more complex. This can be the result of a significant growth in the dynamism of processes observed in many private or public entities, as well as their environment. The diversity of topics of papers published in this issue of Economics and Business Review reflects the variety of problems faced in the process of making economic decisions. The research presented contributes to the literature on the validity of cognitive biases, decision making under certainty, the complexity of decisions in the healthcare and fiscal systems, financing decisions in the context of corporate social responsibility and small area estimation problems. The contributions are from ten researchers. They represent nine institutions located in four countries: Canada, Republic of South Africa, Nigeria, and Poland. (Joanna Lizińska, Paweł Niszczota)
ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Impact Factor: 1.2
CiteScore 2023: 1.4
SJR 2023: 0.234
SNIP 2023: 0.398
ICV 2023: 120.85
JCI 2022: 0.27
MNiSW: 70
The Economics and Business Review journal received a grant within the Development od Scientific Journals programme of the Minister of Education and Science of Poland. Contract number RCN/SP/0242/2021/1
Editorial Office: Economics and Business Review
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Publisher&Owner: Poznań University of Economics and Business Press
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