ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Strong and resilient economies can prove helpful in putting a stop to the atrocities of war. This lesson drawn from the past has attracted broader attention due to Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine. The endeavour to protect human rights is not a sprint but a marathon so that one should not lose sight of longterm economic challenges and opportunities such as climate change and digitalisation. The evergreen question of the state’s role in the economy that regained prominence at the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic has recently become equally or even more important. Five papers included in the current issue of the Economics and Business Review represent original contributions from academia to these fundamental discussions. (Monika Banaszewska)
ISSN 2392-1641
e-ISSN 2450-0097
DOI: 10.18559/ebr
Impact Factor: 1.2
CiteScore 2023: 1.4
SJR 2023: 0.234
SNIP 2023: 0.398
ICV 2023: 120.85
JCI 2022: 0.27
MNiSW: 70
The Economics and Business Review journal received a grant within the Development od Scientific Journals programme of the Minister of Education and Science of Poland. Contract number RCN/SP/0242/2021/1
Editorial Office: Economics and Business Review
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Publisher&Owner: Poznań University of Economics and Business Press
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phone +48 61 854 31 54