How institutions are related to agriculture? Systematic literature review




institutions, systematic review, agriculture, economic performance, farms


In this paper, the author reviews the literature on institutions and their relations with agricultural economics. The aims of the article are to clarify the definition of an institution, indicate its relevance from the perspective of agricultural economics and propose a method of institution classification. Using the PRISMA method, 35 articles were selected out of 238 articles from the Web of Science database that met the established requirements (i.e. they were simultaneously related to institutions, economic performance and the agricultural sector). Based on the identified articles as well as the preliminary literature review it can be concluded that there is a lack of research that precisely defines institutions and examines the historical context at the same time. There are not many papers in which authors assess relations between institutions. 


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Author Biography

Michał Barszczewski, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland

Doctoral student assigned to Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics (part of Institute of Economics) in Poznań University of Economics and Business.


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How to Cite

Barszczewski, M. (2024). How institutions are related to agriculture? Systematic literature review. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 8(1).


