Local housing strategies in Poland as a tool to develop social and affordable housing: barriers for development





local housing strategy, demographic data, housing inventory, housing need


Polish municipalities need to align with the trend of social housing development, expanding beyond public housing providers. The paper seeks to diagnose the barriers to developing well-defined housing strategies at the local level in Poland. Based on existing housing strategies of some Polish municipalities and the experience gained during work on a housing strategy for a medium-sized city in Poland, the following impediments were identified: a lack of robust demographic data,  insufficient housing inventories, and a need for skilled experts and guidance for structured strategies. Given the impending EU investments in housing, local strategies gain significance, particularly in crisis-affected cities. The forthcoming financial aid for social housing amplifies the necessity for well-crafted housing strategies in Poland.


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How to Cite

Cieśla, A. (2023). Local housing strategies in Poland as a tool to develop social and affordable housing: barriers for development. Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.18559/ref.2023.2.1080

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